5.4 assignment draft | Computer Science homework help

  1. This is Phase 5 of your final capstone project.
  2. Post your draft capstone project paper. As a draft, this is your opportunity to submit the following for feedback before submitting your final paper:
    1. Paper introduction
    2. Problem statement/discussion
    3. Potential and proposed solutions
    4. Conclusion and cited references
  3. The paper should be around 10 pages in length (double-spaced), and transitions between sections should be addressed. Any graphics or tables do not count toward page count.
  4. Make sure to use 7th edition APA where required. The paper should include credible references that are listed on a reference page in the report according to APA 7th edition guidelines. You may and should use research to develop your plans, but make sure to cite your sources. 

This is the continuation of assignment 3.4  assignment 4.4.