PSY 303 Final Paper Aileen Wuornos For your Final Paper, you willdemonstrate your knowledge of psychopathology and apply your skills to arealistic scenario. Throughout this course, you have de

PSY 303 Final Paper Aileen Wuornos

For your Final Paper, you willdemonstrate your knowledge of psychopathology and apply your skills to arealistic scenario. Throughout this course, you have developed unique knowledgeand skill sets that will allow you to critically analyze depictions ofpsychopathology in popular media and historical case examples from an informedpoint of view.

Your Final Paper will be apsychological report that must be based on Aileen Wuornos case study. You maynot use examples from your personal life in the psychological report sincedoing so would be unethical (see Standards 2.04 and 9.01a in the EthicalPrinciples of Psychologists and Code of Conduct).

As you create this report, you will betaking on the role of a clinician who is conducting an assessment and providingtreatment recommendations for a patient (a character from your selected film orhistorical case study). Please note that a psychological report does not followthe same structure for reports you may have used in other courses. Your reportmust follow the format below and it must include each of the sections and theirheadings listed in this order:

  1. Identifying InformationWithin this section, youwill describe basic information on your patient, including theperson’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, andlocation of residence (country, state, and region).
  2. Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Within this section, you willinclude the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to identify the mainsource of his or her distress and/or concerns. If there is no verbatimcomplaint, include observable information to create an overall picture ofthe presenting problem.Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to address thefollowing question (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):
  • What are the patient’s complaints? (e.g., the patientmight complain about “feeling on edge” or experiencing stress)

Symptoms Within this section, you willinterpret specific behavioral issues and intrapsychic conflicts as theyrelate to abnormal behavior, behavior patterns, maladaptive thoughtprocesses, and potential unconscious conflicts. Interpret and comment onthe patient’s chief complaint and/or presenting problem in the context andlanguage of the symptoms found in the DSM-5. (e.g., the patient whocomplains about “feeling on edge” might actually be experiencingsymptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder or generalized anxietydisorder) Personal History Within this section, youwill analyze your patient’s personal background and history ofabnormal behavior(s) that inform your diagnostic impression. You will alsogather information about the patient’s cultural background and culturalnorms.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing questions (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • Where did the patient grow up?
  • What cultures did the patient experience throughoutlife?
  • What was the patient’s school life like?
  • What were his or her grades? What is his or herhighest level of education?
  • What is the patient’s interpersonal relationship history?
  • What was/is the patient’s romantic relationshiphistory?
  • What was/is the patient’s friendship history?

Family History Within this section, you willanalyze the patient’s familial relationship(s) and identify anyabnormalities that might affect future treatment. You will also integrateinformation about the patient’s family and cultural background to identifyany maladaptive behaviors and relational patterns.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing questions (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • How old were the patient’s parents when the patientwas born?
  • Who were the patient’s primary caregivers?
  • What was/is family life like? (Include any informationrelevant to your diagnostic impression.)
  • Did the family move often?
  • What was/is the patient’s relationship with theirsiblings (if applicable)?
  • What culture did/does the family come from?
  • What belief systems are attached to that culture?

Therapy History Within this section, you willdescribe the patient’s therapy history to inform your diagnosticimpression. Analyze the patient’s therapy history to identify theeffectiveness of previous treatment(s). Analyze previous treatmentinterventions based on information and knowledge of the patient’s culturalbackground.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing questions (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • Who was the previous therapist (if applicable)?
  • How long did the previous therapy/therapies last?
  • What was the patient’s diagnosis?
  • What interventions did the therapist(s) use?
  • Were those interventions appropriate for the patient’sculture?
  • Was treatment successful?

Medical Conditions Within this section, you willanalyze the patient’s medical history and comment on any possible medicalconditions that could influence your diagnostic impression. Interpretspecific behavioral issues as they relate to salient medical conditions.If the person has any medical conditions, indicate that in this section.Integrate information and knowledge about the patient’s culturalbackground as it affects treatment options for medical conditions. Substance Use Within this section, you willanalyze and comment on the patient’s substance use to identify anypotential issues that could influence your diagnostic impression.Interpret specific behavioral issues as they relate to substance use. Ifthe person misuses specific substances, indicate that in this section.Integrate information and knowledge about the patient’s culturalbackground to inform your interpretation of substance misuse in thispatient’s case.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing questions (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • Which substances does the patient use? (Include anyover-the-counter, herbal, and/or prescription medications.)
  • For how long has the patient used the substance?
  • What is the patient’s quantity and frequency of use?

Collateral Within this section, you willinterpret specific collateral information as it relates to your patient’sabnormal behavior and behavior patterns. You will also integrate informationand knowledge regarding the patient’s culture in your evaluation of themaladaptive behavior as reported by the collateral sources.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing questions (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • What do other people have to say about the patient’sbehavior?
  • Are there any commonalities between the collateralsources’ reports?
  • Do the collateral sources have any psychologicalissues that might exacerbate the patient’s problems?
  • Are there any police reports?
  • Are there any personality testing or intelligencetesting reports available?

Results of Evaluation Within this section, you willanalyze the patient’s behavior and mental processes. There are two partsto this section. To begin your analysis, you will write a brief evaluationof each theory of personality development that you learned about in thiscourse and determine whether or not each theoretical orientation can beused to conceptualize the patient’s current situation and treatment goals.Next, use one major theoretical orientation to write an in-depth analysisfor your results of evaluation section. Within the context of thistheoretical perspective, you will analyze all of the information from theprevious sections. Analyze specific behaviors, cognitions, andintrapsychic processes as they relate to your diagnostic impression.Integrate knowledge of the patient’s cultural background and norms withinthat culture as you prepare your supporting evidence.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer thefollowing question (further elaboration within this section is encouragedwhere possible):

  • Based on the information you gathered in the previoussections, what led to the patient’s current state?

Diagnostic Impression With Differential Justification Within this section, you willprovide your diagnosis for the patient. To demonstrate your understandingof diagnostic procedure and justification, specifically address eachsymptom that the patient displayed and relate each symptom to a diagnosticcriterion in the DSM-5. Analyze the patient’s behaviors and mentalprocesses within your differential justification. Clearly demonstrate thatthe patient meets criteria to be given a diagnosis. If the patient doesnot meet criteria for any diagnosis based on your assessment, explain why.Also, explore any alternative diagnoses and explain why these were notchosen. Recommendations Within this section, you willyou provide treatment recommendations for the person to help them improvehis or her quality of life. These recommendations must be based on thetheoretical orientation you used in your Results of Evaluation. Explainwhy you chose your treatment intervention(s) and include peer-reviewedarticles that support your choice(s). If treatment is not necessary,explain why. Pay close attention to the person’s culture since sometreatment options may be insensitive to his or her culture or way ofliving.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must follow the report outline provided above with therequisite headings and be formatted according to APA style as outlined inthe Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must address the assessment with critical thought.
  4. Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources that werepublished within the last ten years, in addition to the text, a minimumof four must be from the Ashford University Library.
  5. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined inthe Ashford Writing Center.
  6. Must include a separate reference page that isformatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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