Reflective essayWord limit: 1500 words /- 10% Using an essay format: (introduction, body and conclusion reference list) For the purpose of this assessment you are required to review the Statement

Reflective essayWord limit: 1500 words /- 10% Using an essay format: (introduction, body and conclusion reference list) For the purpose of this assessment you are required to review the Statement o

Reflective essayWord limit: 1500 words /- 10%

Using an essay format: (introduction, body and conclusion reference list)

For the purpose of this assessment you are required to review the Statement of the Heart document available via the linkbelow. From this you are to write a critically reflective piece (inclusive of support from academic literature) focusing on what the content of the statement means to you as an emerging midwife. You are also required to reflect on how the Statement of the Heart aligns (or not) with the Closing the Gap document in relation to yourself and Indigenous Communities within our current health care context. to an external site.)

You are required to utilise APA 7th edition, a minimum of 10 references will be required to support your discussion.

The reflective essay will show evidence of:

Associated marks

The professional understanding of the Statement of the Heart has been well discussed and supported with appropriate references.


Critical reflection in relation to the Statement of the Hearts alignment/nonalignment with Closing the Gap in the current health care context has been discussed and it is evident via description, analysis and implications.


Personal accountability is evidentin terms of learning and understanding as an emerging midwife. (“I” statements are appropriate in a reflective essay.)


Arguments, concepts and statements are supported by a wide range of published sources.


Demonstrates scholarship in the construction and presentation of the work.5


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